In this post, I'll show exactly how to create a newsletter for your site and enable users to sign up via a popup as they read the article.

What we're creating

I'll show how to create a popup form that will enable users to sign-up for the Newsletter. It'll activate once the visitor to the site has read a certain amount of the post. In this case, it'll be the Tech Newsletter, but the code will work for any newsletter.

1. Sign Up for

There are several options out there, ranging from managed like to fully self-hosted and self-managed But, what I wanted was one that was in between, reasonably priced, and had excellent customer service. And for me, that choice is, which provides an API endpoint to hit for enrolling new subscribers.

Signing up is easy, and the rate plan is affordable. It's free for your first thousand and costs just \$5 extra per 1000 added, which is perfect for almost any site just starting out.

After you have registered your account, navigate to, and set up your Newsletter. Don't worry. You can go back and change any of the settings later, so don't feel that you must fill in the fields with precisely the correct copy for your Newsletter.

Make sure to copy your API key as it will be needed for the next step.

2. Create your Subscribe Form

Netlify is smart enough to know whenever you have created a form by simply adding `netlify` to the form tag. Make sure to include the `netlify-honeypot` section because it prevents spambots from wasting your form submissions, which is a concern as you only get 100 free form submissions Netlify a month before needing to upgrade to the pro plan. And in general, it is a concern for any site that has forms on it. It is an excellent freebie from Netlify so that you don't have to figure out how to handle it (usually having a Recaptcha). The form name will be the same name shown in the Netlify console.

The method section represents the type of HTTP method used whenever the form is submitted via the `subscribe` button.

There are only two types of ways that can be used with Netlify; POST and GET.

We'll be using the POST HTTP method makes the most sense since the form will be using a Netlify function to submit the data to the `` API.

Lastly, the `action` portion of the form will function as the redirect, which will send the user to the `success.html` page for the site. HINT If you don't have a `success.html` page, you can create or redirect it back to the home page (action="/").

However, I think it is a better user experience to be informed after submitting their data to check their inbox to confirm their subscription, hence the `success.html` page.

<div id="popup" class="bottomMenu hide">  
    <form name="subscribe" netlify-honeypot="full-name" method="POST"    action="/success" netlify>    
        <h4>Like what you're reading so far?</h4>    
        <p>Then subscribe to the ToulTip Newsletter to get advice for
        Software Engineering, DevOps, and the Cloud each Monday.</p>
        <p class="honey"> <input name="path" type="hidden" value="{{ page.url}}"/>      
        <label>Your full name: <input name="full-name"/></label>
        <p> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Your name"/>
        <p><input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Your email"/></p>
        <p><button type="submit" class="btn">Subscribe</button></p>  

3. Create your Netlify Submission Function

Netlify also makes the creation of AWS Lambda functions incredibly easy. All that needs to be done is (1) create a `functions` folder within the repo and (2) add the following to your `netlify.toml` file. Also, to keep our API keys secret and separate from the codebase, we use `require("dotenv").config`, which will go and obtain the `environment variable` from Netlify. So make sure to install it if it is not already present within your `package.json` file.

`> npm install dotenv@8.2.0`

function = "functions"

After, the functions folder has been added, create the `submission-created.js` file within it, which should have the following:

const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const { BUTTONDOWN_API_KEY } = process.env;
exports.handler = async (event) => {  
	const payload = JSON.parse(event.body).payload;
    console.log(`Recieved a submission: ${}`);  
    return fetch("", {  
    	method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: `Token ${BUTTONDOWN_API_KEY}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ email:, name: }), })    .then((response) => response.json()).then((data) => {
        console.log(`Submitted to Buttondown:\n ${data}`);
        }).catch((error) => ({ statusCode: 422, body: String(error) }));

4. Add your BUTTONDOWN_API_KEY to Netlify environment variables

Navigate to `<YOUR_SITE_NAME>/settings/deploys#environment`

to add the API key from step 1.

5. Git Push

Now that all the pieces have been laid out, it is time to push the code so that Netlify will create the `submission-created` lambda and the `subscribe` form.

6. Add the popup.js code to your website

To enable the popup, we'll be using a CSS animation trick with JS to change the `<div>` that houses the `<form>` from `bottomMenu hide` to `bottomMenu show`. It will be two separate CSS classes, one with `opacity: 1` and the other with `opacity: 0`.


Add the following CSS to wherever your CSS is stored for your site.

.bottomMenu {  
	position: fixed;  
    bottom: 0;  
    left: 0;  
    max-height: auto; 
    max-width: 300px;  
    background: #888;  
    border-radius: 4px;  
    z-index: 1;  
    transition: all 1s;
.hide {  
    opacity: 0;  
    left: -100%;
.show {  
	opacity: 1;  
    left: 0;

<div> tag wrapped around form

Make sure to wrap the `subscribe form` with a `div` tag with the `class="bottomMenu hide"`to use the CSS styles.

<div id="popup" class="bottomMenu hide">
	<form name="subscribe" netlify-honeypot="full-name" method="POST"    action="/success" netlify>
    <h4>Like what you're reading so far?</h4>
    <p>Then subscribe to the ToulTip Newsletter to get advice for Software Engineering, DevOps, and the Cloud each Monday.
    <p class="honey"><input name="path" type="hidden" value="{{ page.url }}"/>
    <label>Your full name: <input name="full-name"/></label>
    </p><p><input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Your name" /></p><p><input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Your email" /></p><p>      
    <button type="submit" class="btn">Subscribe</button></p>


Add the following javascript file `popup.js` to wherever you store your JS. Do not add it to the functions folder that was created previously. This is a function that lives within your website, not a Netlify lambda function.

The function works by getting the <div> element by its `id`, named `popup`.

`Y` is the variable that stores the value of the screen's verticle point so that whenever the user has scrolled between 3000 and 5000 pixels, then the box will pop up, asking the reader if they'd like to subscribe to the Newsletter.

The idea behind this is that if the reader is scrolling slowly (reading) the article, they are interested and might be more likely to subscribe. It also makes for a more pleasant user experience.

myID = document.getElementById("popup");
var myScrollFunc = function () {  
	var y = window.scrollY;  
    if (y > 3000 && y < 5000) { 
    	myID.className = "bottomMenu show";  
     } else {
     	myID.className = "bottomMenu hide"; 
window.addEventListener("scroll", myScrollFunc);

Now, you have a Netlify site capable of signing up your visitors to a newsletter.

Make your Static Netlify Pop with a Newsletter feature